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TLV-Pop Up Museum

תמונת הסופר/ת: גילי מצאגילי מצא

TLV Pop Up museum-photo Gili Mazza

Tel Aviv has few kicking areas with street art in public spaces -here

that shows innovative and underground expression. a month ago from1-6 January 2020; there was a big celebration for street art edicts

TLV Pop Up museum-photo Gili Mazza

For the second time in Israel; there was built a Pop Up museum in a building (address:Kazanelson 7) that was demolished after a week (as part of an urban renewal awareness) with all the works; that covered the walls of 15 apartments

TLV Pop Up museum-photo Gili Mazza

The kazanelson Pop Up museum

The project took over a four-story building with 15 apartments. for six days, the building provided a platform and roof for blurring the boundaries and breaking the rules by using all kinds of arts on the walls of a house; in a quite street; just one block from Tel Aviv museum

serial works in pop up museum TLV-photos :Gili Mazza

Street artists, painters, illustrators, graphic designers, art directors, decor designers, installation artists, and art exhibitors were part of this project and viewers were invited to roam the apartments and experience an original and innovative event.

serial works in pop up museum TLV-photos :Gili Mazza

What's special in Pop Up museum

A pop-up museum will be set up for a limited period of time; in a location where no museum has really operated before

TLV Pop Up museum Kazanelson-photo Gili Mazza

The curation of such a museum; is also important but the key to it is the novelty of the presentation; simply because the audience will be people who are not traditional gallery or museum-goers

TLV Pop Up museum Kazanelson-photo Gili Mazz

What Museums should learn from Pop UP

The pop-up cultural experiences is offering visitors; something very different from a visit to a regular museum.

1. The time-limited aspect gives vitality and arouse excitement. in this case it was 6 days with nearly 15; 000 visitors.

2. The location of a pop-up museum plays a big part. in aside and quite street in Tel Aviv

3.A clever juxtaposition of content: there were many events also with some celebs that were "adorning" them

serial works in pop up museum TLV-photos: Gili Mazza

Social media and Pop UP

Social media; has changed the cultural landscape and pop-up museums have embraced this phenomenon with enthusiasm. as said before; If one can be visited at any time, then there is necessarily less of a social media frenzy

#tag Pop up museum TLV-photo Gili Mazza

When a pop-up museum curates hash-taggable content and selfie-friendly images, then the conversation does not restrict itself to attendees alone; and it can begin to have an impact on wider public. after all, social media is the new word-of-mouth

TLV Pop Up museum Kazanelson-photo Gili Mazz

Part of what the Instagram generation are after is a unique – or, at least, limited – experience that in some cases, that gives them to feel like they ‘own’ the concept

TLV Pop Up museum Kazanelson-photo Gili Mazz

Here comes Selfi

seeking out the perfect selfie moment; are hungry for cultural experiences that also afford them the opportunity to take great pictures for their social media feeds

TLV Pop Up museum Kazanelson-photo Gili Mazz

My impressions as a viewer

I was invited to visit the Kazanelson 7-Pop Up museum just few days before it was opening to the public

artists in pop up museum TLV-photo Gili Mazza

It was really fascinating to see all the street art workers spraying strong wall paint; standing on ladders; changing ideas with colleagues and working against the sand clock that was running out

artists in pop up museum TLV-photos :Gili Mazza

#tag -is a famous Israeli street art artist; that 15 of his works in Florentine street were lately destroyed; as an act of revenge from the local neighborhood

#tag Pop up museum TLV-photo Gili Mazza

In the first floor of the exhibition; he took a bedroom and turned it to a complete 4 walls one hastag-red hearts that all of them gets one like.

"my inspiration was the playground of kids; were you can jump on trampoline" he told me; but of course its not the only message he was installing here. some hours later; he hang a board saying:"you are just a double tap" which is the simple act we do "to like" anything in the social media bit the irony is clear

preparing pop up museum TLV-photos :Gili Mazza


i loved some cute ideas; in the toilets and bathrooms and to see how creative people turned to be with the DIY on a limited space

toilets in pop up museum TLV-photos :Gili Mazza

honestly I am waiting for the third edition of this intensive experience; that brought more then 15;000 visitors in 6 days from 1-6 January 2020 and countless attention in Facebook and Instagram.

artists in pop up museum TLV-photos :Gili Mazza

here is one of many posts u put about this project in my: facebook page

look for: Gili Mazza

here is an example from my page in isnta:Travel_with_gili

TLV Pop Up museum Kazanelson-photo Gili Mazz

would you like to read more about street art in Israel?

here is a link to-south Tel Aviv

TLV Pop Up museum Kazanelson-photo Gili Mazz


גילי מצא
גילי מצא
Feb 19, 2020

כייף לשמוע את זה ובהחלט יהיה שווה להגיע לפרוייקט הבא כי הם משתפרים מפעם לפעם Ofer Keidar


Ofer Keidar
Ofer Keidar
Feb 19, 2020

תודה על הסקירה - עשית לי חשק לבקר באחד ממתחמי הפופאפ, בפעם הבאה שיצוצו בעיר


גילי מצא
גילי מצא
Feb 19, 2020

Thank you Bentsy Goren for appreciating it


Bentsy Goren
Bentsy Goren
Feb 19, 2020

Thanks a lot Gili. I really liked it.


גילי מצא
גילי מצא
Feb 19, 2020

אני חושפת יופי, בעיות קיפוח יש להן כתובת אחרת נעה מרקביץ

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